There was a slight change of plans and I did not wear my god tier John cosplay and although I didn't get to go to both days (thanks district choir auditions) I did end up getting to go to Sunday of Alternicon as Rose Lalonde and it was FaBuLoUs! (I went with Sandy who was the mayor, Ana-tama who was Jade, and Kira who was ironic sparkly Dave.) I wasn't there for a long time (only nine to five on Sunday) but it was probably the best con I have ever been to with the only possible exception of BCC 2K14 (but because I was so sleepy the whole time I dunno). It was the first year of the con EVER so although it was tiny, cramped, and the staff was a little questionable (except for this amazing staff member who could do this wicked Terezi voice--you go), all of the attendees were amazing. At big cons like Anime Boston with 25,000 people, you will see a variety of people--people who are generic nerds, people who are jerk nerds, people who are super nerds, cosplayers, non-cosplayers, parents in tow, etc. DOn't get me wrong, I adore Anime Boston, but Alternicon was so new and so small and such a big "?" in everyone's heads (is it going to be a dud or is it going to be the next big thing) that pretty much only the super nerds went. So the con was basically made up of about a hundred people (mostly Bostonstucks--love you guys) who go to every con large and small, are always on their cosplay game, and think of the fandom(s) as a family. In short, it was made up of all the best people who I have the privilege of knowing and considering my friends.
We (me, Sandy, and Ana-tama) have already made a pct to go next year and, no matter where we are, attend annually. (And for the record, Kira won a free VIP pass to next year so she didn't really have to be a part of this pact. Oh sparkle Dave.)
So what did we do that made this so con so wicked? Well first, we met some of my cosplay idols (cowbuttcrunchies) at their panel and they were doing their JediStuck cosplay! (Of all of the cosplays they wore the ones I started following them for!) The we chilled with them and some other con friends in the Haven room. We watched Con Air commentated on by these Hilarious cosplayers. We played Cards Against Humanity. (Nuff said there.) We drew in a cramped room for an hour (the quickest hour EVER--I swear it was only fifteen minutes) which was wonderful because all of our con friends gathered to do the same thing and it was just sweet. And lastly we went to Nerdfit's Dysfunctional Family Feud panel which was hilarious and so dysfunctional that the audience ended up winning. It was a great way to end the convention and I'm still sitting here smiling because of it. It was just so incredible. Anyway getting back to cosplay, here are some pictures!
I tried to do another video. It's not as good because the con wasn't as big as the last one and I kinda kept forgetting to film. I try a little harder next time. Here it is though for your amusement.
Also while I was at Alternicon, one of the best things that has ever happened at a con happened to me. It started off when one of my friends from BCC 2K14 was also dressed up as Rose and I was taking a picture with them. They said, "Did you go to Boston Comic Con? Are you MadDog?" and I was so wowed that someone had remembered my name for like three months even though I had only known them for a day. (I mean I remembered their amazing HumanStuck Kankri but I was not expecting people to remember my sleepy Gamzee.) Then another one of my con friends found me and said, "My friend said MadDog was here so I had to find you." I was kinda taken aback. My brain was just like, "Wait, me MadDog?" and then she went on about how she was searching for me through all the cosplayers there. Now, I have found con friends before and we've chatted and such but to me this was something else. The fact that people were looking to find me and see how I was doing and how I have this family away from my own is kinda amazing. If any of you Bostonstucks are reading this, I love you all and I hope to see you soon! Even if not so soon I know I will see you at Anime Boston 2015! I look forward to it!
And that brings me to my last topic today: Anime Boston 2015. *add sound effect* Basically I have planned out my line up (or at least what I hope will be my line up). It is as follows:
Friday: Trickster Dirk Strider along with a group of Alpha kid tricksters including Sandy as Roxy Lalonde, Ana-tama as Jane Crocker, and Jacob as Jake English.
Saturday: Bec Noir along with Ana-tama as PM, Sandy as the Mayor, and Jacob as some sort of dress-wearing character tbd.
Sunday: Haha I won't be there because guess what? It's Easter yo!
I'll prolly technically be going with other people but I'm not sure what they are planning on for cosplay so it's not mentioned here. Current emotion: so very excited. That's all for now! MadDog out!