But for Now... Fun Facts:
Plays trombone.
Sings second soprano.
Has a second degree black belt.
Attends a public high school.
Likes talking in third person.
A real picture is coming soon when she feels like getting out her new camera and figuring out how to set a timer on it (cause she broke her last camera. What a moron). For the moment, you can enjoy this one of her cosplaying as Rei Ayanami from Neon Genesis Evangelion. (Psst! The one in the middle!)
Check it out:
- MadDog's on ACParadise
- MadDog's on Tumblr
- MadDog's part of a Youtube Channel
- MadDog's on Pinterest
- MadDog's part of a cosplay group! (The Underwater Hemisphere)
People hate you cuz you talk like Gamzee?
but maybe others see it as KIND OF WEIRD AND OFFENSIVE
but mostly, when people get to know you, they learn that you have a passion for REALLY WEIRD MOVIES and a WIDE VARIETY OF ANIMES. You also collect COKE BOTTLES for NO APPARENT REASON, and put them on shelves with your various BOOKS AND NOVELS. Your floor is often covered with MISCELLANEOUS PIECES OF CLOTHING, but when cleaned you find you have a RATHER NICE CARPET.
Here is a video about me and three of my friends. It's weird and great. That is all.
This is me and my moirail's rebuttal.
1) What is cosplay?
Cosplay, the word, is a combination of costume and play. Cosplaying is portraying a character by dressing up like them and being like them.
2) Why did you start to cosplay?
This is a question that I often I ask myself and the only answer I really have is, "Because I loved the idea of it." I would watch shows or play games or read comics and find people dressing up as characters all over the internet. I thought it was the coolest thing in the world and just tried it out. I keep making cosplay because it was even more amazing than I had originally imagined and I love every waking minute of it.
3) How do I even start to cosplay? aka Where do I even start?
Please Click Here
4) Do I have to act like the character I'm dressing up as when I'm cosplaying?
No. People will act like their character and pose like them for fun but you don't have to. That being said, if someone wants your picture, people like it better when you get into character (at least for the picture).
5) Do I need colored contacts to cosplay?
No. Colored contacts are always your choice and they can just be a real pain in the butt. If you don't want to deal with them, then don't. If you want to go the extra mile and get some, go for it. I will make a post on colored contacts in the near future. (So it's up to you.)
6) Where should I buy a wig?
Please Click Here
7) Why should I buy a wig? aka Why can't I just use my own hair?
If you get a high quality wig, you will look. Much. Better. Trust me. I highly recommend getting one unless your hair looks literally, exactly like the character's hair the way it is. Don't try to style your own hair with crazy spikes and curls because I can be very damaging to your hair. (So just get a wig.)
8) Could you make a [insert tutorial post here]?
I will hopefully be making a bunch of tutorial posts in the future so please wait until I have posted a few basic tutorials before sending me an email asking for some random one. (So maybe.)
9) What cosplays would you like to make in the future? aka What should I look forward to follow?
Hey hey check out my future copslays tab! Also, like with all of my lists, I forgot some random cosplays so here they are:
- Anarchy Stocking (Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt)
- Smaug (The Lord of the Rings Universe: There and Back Again)
- Gaz or GIR or someone from Invader Zim because Invader Zim
And if you want to know what I am working on right at this very moment (okay, maybe not right at this very moment) check out my cosplay board. To see this, Please Click Here.
Also, under construction is my Future Cosplay Tab so be sure to check that out for the first part of the Future Cosplay Master List.
10) What cons (and events in general) are you planning on going to and what will you be cosplaying at them?
Aug. These are all tentative please don't get your hopes up but people ask all the time so I've given in a made a list:
- Boston Masquerade 2015: Maybe. No idea what I would cosplay.
- Anime Boston 2015: 98% chance of attending. Friday: Trickster Dirk Strider with a trickster group consisting of Ana-tama (Jane Crocker), Soondra (Roxy Lalonde), and Jacob (Jake English). Saturday: Bec Noir with the same people as PM, the Mayor, and some dress-wearing character respectively.
- Promstuck 2015: (This is assuming there is one. Gah I hope there is. I was gonna go last year and something came up the day before so I couldn't.) Potentially. Prolly either a Terezi, Dirk, or Gamzee depending on if my friends want to do some sort of group.
- Connecticon 2015: Potentially. (I've always wanted to go so yeah.) No idea what I'd cosplay though.
- Boston Comic Con 2015: More than likely. Friday: Hopefully something not Homestuck related. Just to mix things up. Saturday: Her Imperious Condescension with Ana-tama as Grimbark Jade Harley and Soondra as Jane Crocker (Crockertier?). Sunday: Hopefully a PunkStuck group.
- Another Anime Convention 2015: More than likely. Friday: Hopefully something not Homestuck. Saturday and Sunday: No idea.
- Alternicon 2015: 98% chance of attending. Saturday: GameshowStuck Terezi Pyrope. (You'll just have to wait and see it's an original idea we had.) Also with Ana-tama as Gameshowstuck Aradia Megido and Soondra as Gameshowstuck Feferi Peixes. Sunday: No idea.
Now I want to ask a few questions of you. What do you like about cosplay? What are the challenges you've faced while making cosplay? What are the challenges you're facing in cosplay right now? Email me at wickedcosplay@yahoo.com or leave a comment--I'd love to hear from you!
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