So this is not cosplay but the other day I had the opportunity to meet Chris Evans (you may know him as Captain America!) and I took it. He was great. The thing is, I totally would have made a cosplay had I known about him coming to Newburyport earlier. So I've made an oath that if I get the opportunity to see him again, I will drop everything and make a cosplay (either a chorus girl outfit or a fem Cap). Pictures!
I wish you all could have seen the confused look on his face when I asked him to sign my Scotland bag. I love that bag so much so who cares if it goes with the theme or not. Fine--you caught me--I was going to have him sign my copy of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World but I left it at home on accident because I was too excited. Next time Chris. Cosplay progress coming soon. I've gathered some materials for Bec Noir so you all should be seeing that start to come to life soon. MadDog out!
Welcome Beings of All Sorts
Welcome beings of all sorts! Somehow, you have found this blog. :D I congratulate you on that whether it was through success or failure! My name is Madeleine Schmuch aka MadDog and I am an amateur cosplayer. I will also be your guide here. This blog came to be because I needed to organize my cosplays and constantly work on them so that I would finish them. I thought that if I had a commitment to post I would work more often and would not forget important things. This blog started off as being called "MadDog's Sewing" but has since then turned into a guide to cosplay and has taken on the new name "MadDog's Wicked Guide to Wicked Cosplay." That being said, I'm terrible with names. This blog should really be called "MadDog's Tips That She's Found to be Useful and is now Sharing on a Blog in Hopes That They Might Help Somebody Else in Their Efforts to Cosplay." That name fits this blog much better however, it was a little bit too long. Moving on, I've added new sections to make this blog more informative but they are almost all ongoing sections. (If you need information on certain things now, please shoot me an email. Email: Whether you just want to follow my projects or learn how to start cosplaying, I'm hoping that this blog will be a help. MadDog out! :)
Friday, December 12, 2014
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Karkat (Beep Beep Meow) Cosplay Finished
So at my school we had a twin day for the play I was in a few days ago so of course me and my friends said screw twin day and did triplet day and dressed up as Karkat. So my Karkat cosplay is done. I'm not gray but here are some pictures. Another one crossed off of the list.
My friend Soondra, who has now been to two cons as the mayor, is the other person featured in these photos. Ana-tama was the other frond but was feeling camera shy so she's not shown. That's all for now. MadDog out!
My friend Soondra, who has now been to two cons as the mayor, is the other person featured in these photos. Ana-tama was the other frond but was feeling camera shy so she's not shown. That's all for now. MadDog out!
Monday, November 17, 2014
Alternicon 2014
There was a slight change of plans and I did not wear my god tier John cosplay and although I didn't get to go to both days (thanks district choir auditions) I did end up getting to go to Sunday of Alternicon as Rose Lalonde and it was FaBuLoUs! (I went with Sandy who was the mayor, Ana-tama who was Jade, and Kira who was ironic sparkly Dave.) I wasn't there for a long time (only nine to five on Sunday) but it was probably the best con I have ever been to with the only possible exception of BCC 2K14 (but because I was so sleepy the whole time I dunno). It was the first year of the con EVER so although it was tiny, cramped, and the staff was a little questionable (except for this amazing staff member who could do this wicked Terezi voice--you go), all of the attendees were amazing. At big cons like Anime Boston with 25,000 people, you will see a variety of people--people who are generic nerds, people who are jerk nerds, people who are super nerds, cosplayers, non-cosplayers, parents in tow, etc. DOn't get me wrong, I adore Anime Boston, but Alternicon was so new and so small and such a big "?" in everyone's heads (is it going to be a dud or is it going to be the next big thing) that pretty much only the super nerds went. So the con was basically made up of about a hundred people (mostly Bostonstucks--love you guys) who go to every con large and small, are always on their cosplay game, and think of the fandom(s) as a family. In short, it was made up of all the best people who I have the privilege of knowing and considering my friends.
We (me, Sandy, and Ana-tama) have already made a pct to go next year and, no matter where we are, attend annually. (And for the record, Kira won a free VIP pass to next year so she didn't really have to be a part of this pact. Oh sparkle Dave.)
So what did we do that made this so con so wicked? Well first, we met some of my cosplay idols (cowbuttcrunchies) at their panel and they were doing their JediStuck cosplay! (Of all of the cosplays they wore the ones I started following them for!) The we chilled with them and some other con friends in the Haven room. We watched Con Air commentated on by these Hilarious cosplayers. We played Cards Against Humanity. (Nuff said there.) We drew in a cramped room for an hour (the quickest hour EVER--I swear it was only fifteen minutes) which was wonderful because all of our con friends gathered to do the same thing and it was just sweet. And lastly we went to Nerdfit's Dysfunctional Family Feud panel which was hilarious and so dysfunctional that the audience ended up winning. It was a great way to end the convention and I'm still sitting here smiling because of it. It was just so incredible. Anyway getting back to cosplay, here are some pictures!
I tried to do another video. It's not as good because the con wasn't as big as the last one and I kinda kept forgetting to film. I try a little harder next time. Here it is though for your amusement.
Also while I was at Alternicon, one of the best things that has ever happened at a con happened to me. It started off when one of my friends from BCC 2K14 was also dressed up as Rose and I was taking a picture with them. They said, "Did you go to Boston Comic Con? Are you MadDog?" and I was so wowed that someone had remembered my name for like three months even though I had only known them for a day. (I mean I remembered their amazing HumanStuck Kankri but I was not expecting people to remember my sleepy Gamzee.) Then another one of my con friends found me and said, "My friend said MadDog was here so I had to find you." I was kinda taken aback. My brain was just like, "Wait, me MadDog?" and then she went on about how she was searching for me through all the cosplayers there. Now, I have found con friends before and we've chatted and such but to me this was something else. The fact that people were looking to find me and see how I was doing and how I have this family away from my own is kinda amazing. If any of you Bostonstucks are reading this, I love you all and I hope to see you soon! Even if not so soon I know I will see you at Anime Boston 2015! I look forward to it!
And that brings me to my last topic today: Anime Boston 2015. *add sound effect* Basically I have planned out my line up (or at least what I hope will be my line up). It is as follows:
Friday: Trickster Dirk Strider along with a group of Alpha kid tricksters including Sandy as Roxy Lalonde, Ana-tama as Jane Crocker, and Jacob as Jake English.
Saturday: Bec Noir along with Ana-tama as PM, Sandy as the Mayor, and Jacob as some sort of dress-wearing character tbd.
Sunday: Haha I won't be there because guess what? It's Easter yo!
I'll prolly technically be going with other people but I'm not sure what they are planning on for cosplay so it's not mentioned here. Current emotion: so very excited. That's all for now! MadDog out!
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
God Tier John Done!
Done. I repeat done. I was not at all expecting to have a new cosplay completed so soon after I did my giant Elsa project simply because I'm almost completely broke right now. The reason I was able to make this is because I actually got all of the materials for free. Yes, you heard me right, for free. My grandmother was clearing out some of her old fabric and she just happened to have two yards of navy blue fabric which I used for John's hood and I had the remains of a gift card to A. C. Moore which just happened to be having a gigantic sale last weekend so I got three t-shirts with it. Although the colors aren't perfect (because the fabric was random and the shirts they had left as A. C. Moore weren't quite right), free is free. And it is because of this fact that I have a post for you today.
The shirt was (you guessed it) just done with fabric paint. (I know I know, you love me for my new techniques with every outfit. Ahhhhhh... so much sarcasm.)
John does not know how to feel about the update. |
I made this hood in twenty minutes and I wish I could tell you how but I completely winged it.

If I were to redo this, which I prolly will at some point in time, the thing I would want to redo most is the hood because although it made me happy being able to throw it together in twenty minutes, the fabric is just not right. It doesn't drape well and it isn't the right color really. But it was free so right now I'm ecstatic. Also, if I am able to go to Alternicon, I will be wearing this for at least one of the days and when I wear it, I will prolly have painted my shoes yellow and blue by then. Just really happy with my zero dollar outfit. Have you accomplished anything like this before? Aaaaaaaand MadDog out!
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Future Cosplay Master Checklist
This is literally a condensed version on the list I have made over three parts. Instead of explaining why I love each of the characters and plan on making them, this is going to be exactly what it sounds like, a checklist. Every time I make of one the cosplays on the list, I will cross it off here so that it's easier for me to know when I need to make a "Future Cosplay Master List Verison 2.0."
Part One: Homestuck
Part Two: Anime
Part Three: Everything Else
And that's it for today. MadDog out!
Part One: Homestuck
- Sober Gamzee Makara
- Genderbent Party Gamzee Makara
- Formal Gamzee Makara
- Bec Noir
- God Tier Roxy Lalonde
God Tier John Egbert- The Condesce
- Normal Mituna Captor
- God Tier Mituna Captor
- Faygo Hangover Terezi Pyrope
- Trickster Dirk Strider
- Other Dirk Strider
- Dead Dirk Strider
- Normal Meenah Peixes
- Punkstuck Meenah Peixes
- Wayward Vagabond
- Normal Dave Strider
- God Tier Dave Strider
Normal Karkat Vantas- Broadway Karkat Vantas
- Fanart Karkat Vantas
- Leader Control Center Karkat Vantas
Part Two: Anime
- Something form Princess Mononoke (prolly San)
- Misa Amane (Death Note)
- Ryuk (Death Note)
- Paprika (Paprika)
- Kagari Shusei (Psycho-Pass)
- Shion Karanomori (Psycho-Pass)
- Lan Fan (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
- Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
- Olivier Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
- Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
- Nagisa Hazuki (Free!)
- Shinji Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
- Haru Hara Haruko (FLCL)
- Utena Tenjou (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
- Ryuko Matoi (Kill la Kill)
- Nonon Jakuzure (Kill la Kill)
- Alois Trancy (Black Butler)
- Something form Black Bulter: Book of Circus
- Yuno Gasai (Mirai Nikki)
- Road Kamelot (D.Gray-Man)
- Tyki Mikk (D.Gray-Man)
- Yu Kanda (D.Gray-Man)
- Alma Karma (D.Gray-Man)
Part Three: Everything Else
- Zelda (The Legend of Zelda)
- Raven (Teen Titans)
- Robin (Teen Titans)
- Beast Boy (Teen Titans)
- Kyoshi Warriors (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
- Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
- Kida (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
- Doc Ock (Spiderman)
- Original Jack Skellington (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
- Original Design (Alice in Wonderland)
- Crossover Idea (Alice in Wonderland and ?)
- Hatress Dress (Alice: The Madness Returns)
And that's it for today. MadDog out!
Future Cosplay Master List Part Three: Everything Else
So mostly my fandoms are animes with the exception of Homestuck and random other TV shows and whatnot. This section is just the cosplays I want to do from "random other TV shows and whatnot." Pretty self explanitary.
The Legend of Zelda
Although I ended up making an Elsa cosplay for senior dress-up day, I want my Zelda cosplay. I will make it. Or so help me I will die trying.
Teen Titans
This show was just the greatest. I don't know what the new bogus Teen Titans Go! is but like this show will always hold a special place in my heart. I would want to cosplay Raven, Robin, and/or Beast Boy.
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Same story as Teen Titans. Great show. Special place in my hear. (Right in the childhood!) I would want to do a Kyoshi warrior group and an Azula cosplay becasue she was just so cool with her lightning bending and downward spiral into insanity.
Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Now I know I just did an Elsa cosplay, but I am really not a Disney person. This however is my exception to the rule. I own all of like five animated Disney films and I had two favorites as a kid that I would switch back and forth between watching constantly. This was one of them. (The other was Tarzan.) If I were to do a cosplay from this, it'd prolly just be Kida because she's one of if not the greatest Disney princess ever.
I want to make a Doc Ock cosplay. It's seriously ambitious but I want to make it happen. Maybe after Hajime-chan. Hmmmm...
The Nightmare Before Christmas
This movie, to me at least, is a gigantic metaphor for the creative person. So why would I make a "normal" cosplay from it? Like Sally? I am Jack, the struggling creative person. So I want to make an original Jack Skellington cosplay.
Alice: The Madness Returns
This game is so creepy--I absolutely love it. for years my moirail and I have plotted making dresses from this game and I really hope that soon we might be able to. I would want to make the Hatress design of course.
Although in actuality I have a lot more fandoms in my "everything else" category, they are just things that I don't want to cosplay. For reasons varying from "too boring on the outfit side" to "I can't become this character I wouldn't do them justice." So, at least for now, this is where the state of this category will remain.
The Legend of Zelda
Although I ended up making an Elsa cosplay for senior dress-up day, I want my Zelda cosplay. I will make it. Or so help me I will die trying.
Teen Titans
This show was just the greatest. I don't know what the new bogus Teen Titans Go! is but like this show will always hold a special place in my heart. I would want to cosplay Raven, Robin, and/or Beast Boy.
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Same story as Teen Titans. Great show. Special place in my hear. (Right in the childhood!) I would want to do a Kyoshi warrior group and an Azula cosplay becasue she was just so cool with her lightning bending and downward spiral into insanity.
Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Now I know I just did an Elsa cosplay, but I am really not a Disney person. This however is my exception to the rule. I own all of like five animated Disney films and I had two favorites as a kid that I would switch back and forth between watching constantly. This was one of them. (The other was Tarzan.) If I were to do a cosplay from this, it'd prolly just be Kida because she's one of if not the greatest Disney princess ever.
I want to make a Doc Ock cosplay. It's seriously ambitious but I want to make it happen. Maybe after Hajime-chan. Hmmmm...
The Nightmare Before Christmas
This movie, to me at least, is a gigantic metaphor for the creative person. So why would I make a "normal" cosplay from it? Like Sally? I am Jack, the struggling creative person. So I want to make an original Jack Skellington cosplay.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There
I kinda like Through the Looking Glass better than Alice in Wonderland. There. I said it. Anyway these are personal favorite and I have a few ideas for them up my sleeve. (Including a crossover.)
I kinda like Through the Looking Glass better than Alice in Wonderland. There. I said it. Anyway these are personal favorite and I have a few ideas for them up my sleeve. (Including a crossover.)
Alice: The Madness Returns
This game is so creepy--I absolutely love it. for years my moirail and I have plotted making dresses from this game and I really hope that soon we might be able to. I would want to make the Hatress design of course.
Although in actuality I have a lot more fandoms in my "everything else" category, they are just things that I don't want to cosplay. For reasons varying from "too boring on the outfit side" to "I can't become this character I wouldn't do them justice." So, at least for now, this is where the state of this category will remain.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Future Cosplay Master List Part Two: Anime
The next part of the master list of insanity is anime because although I'm right now on a Homestuck cosplay streak, anime is still a huge part of my life (like, I started and anime club at my school yo) and it also won't end unlike Homestuck which eventually will. So, that being noted, here we go!
Princess Mononoke
Even though it's a movie, I don't care, it's an anime. I saw this movie for the first time in the second grade and was instantly hooked. I remember daydreaming about animated films being more like this movie and being thick as I am, realized in the 8th grade when I got into anime that there were other films like this one. I don't know what I'd want to cosplay from this (probably just San) but it is something I would love to cosplay.
Death Note
I consider this my first real anime. You know how I just mentioned I got into anime in the 8th grade? Well this is what got me into it. I was at a party with my friend and we were being losers and not socializing (what hipsters we were) and she brought out the Death Note manga Volume 13 and insisted that I take some dumb character test in the back. Anyway, I got Ryuk which I found hilarious and I read and watched the whole series in about a week. I'd want to cosplay Misa Amane and Ryuk form this series (although Ryuk is more of a dream and less likely to happen).
This is one of, if not my favorite movie. I just love it. When I first saw it, about a year ago, I watched it four times in one day and continued to watch it at least once every day for the next two weeks I was so in love with it. I don't think I have to say much more. I would love to cosplay Paprika not for her outfit, as it is quite plain, but just for my sheer love of this movie.
So I dunno about anyone else but Psych-Pass is one of my favorite shows and I'm super excited for the second season! (Which has started but I'm behind in so don't tell me if it stinks.) For the longest time I didn't want to cosplay any of the characters (I think I wanted them to stay enigmas or something) but I can't hold my love for this show back any more. I'd probably want to cosplay Kagari or Shion.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Love this show. If you haven't already seen it, I find it to be everything you could want in a show, so you should watch it. I want to eventually cosplay Lan Fan, Riza, Olivier, and Envy.
To take a break from all of the shows that I deeply love I've wanted to cosplay Free! for a while because it's so ridiculous. I know it's been a while since the season one first aired so hopefully this summer I will get around to actually making a cosplay from it. If I do get around to it, I'd probably want to cosplay one of the party outfits they wear in (I think it's) the ending. If I have it my way I'd want to be Nagisa as well.
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Great show. I've already cosplayed from it. But I want to actually get around to making my Shinji Ikari plugsuit.
This show makes me cry. Especially if I'm watching upside down. I want to eventually make a Haru Hara Haruko cosplay.
Revolutionary Girl Utena
It's the absolute destiny apocalypse! Ah 90s anime. I haven't actually finished this show but I already wan to cosplay Utena bad enough that she is on this list. If that changes though I will let you all know.
Kill la Kill
I was expecting nothing form this show and then it was actually seriously enjoyable. And it has crazy outfits so why would I not want to cosplay a few characters. I really want to make a Ryuko (although I'm not sure what outfit) and a Nonon.
Black Butler
I really want to actually finish my Alois Trancy and also make a character from book of circus. Which one? I'm not sure yet.
The Future Diary
Just Yuno. (You guys like how my descriptions have just gone downhill? Maybe I'll try with the last one.)
D.Gray-man is a serious favorite of mine. It pains me to think about how it will probably never be finished because it was just so good. Not seasons one and two so much as seasons three an four (because plot issues) but the manga was just so amazing up until it just stopped. I'm not completely sure why it stopped (something to do with the health of Katsura Hoshino I think) but it shall remain one of my favorites even if it remains in the same point it is in right now forever. I love the character Road Kamelot and Tyki and Kanda and Alma Karma and all of the characters really. They are all so incredible. I'd prolly want to cosplay the ones I just named at one point though. Also, I did finish my Devit cosplay so I need to make it a goal to get a photo of that for you guys cause right now I just don't have one.
Anways that's about it for the anime section. The last part of this list will be up soon but for now, MadDog out!
Princess Mononoke
Even though it's a movie, I don't care, it's an anime. I saw this movie for the first time in the second grade and was instantly hooked. I remember daydreaming about animated films being more like this movie and being thick as I am, realized in the 8th grade when I got into anime that there were other films like this one. I don't know what I'd want to cosplay from this (probably just San) but it is something I would love to cosplay.
Death Note
I consider this my first real anime. You know how I just mentioned I got into anime in the 8th grade? Well this is what got me into it. I was at a party with my friend and we were being losers and not socializing (what hipsters we were) and she brought out the Death Note manga Volume 13 and insisted that I take some dumb character test in the back. Anyway, I got Ryuk which I found hilarious and I read and watched the whole series in about a week. I'd want to cosplay Misa Amane and Ryuk form this series (although Ryuk is more of a dream and less likely to happen).
This is one of, if not my favorite movie. I just love it. When I first saw it, about a year ago, I watched it four times in one day and continued to watch it at least once every day for the next two weeks I was so in love with it. I don't think I have to say much more. I would love to cosplay Paprika not for her outfit, as it is quite plain, but just for my sheer love of this movie.
So I dunno about anyone else but Psych-Pass is one of my favorite shows and I'm super excited for the second season! (Which has started but I'm behind in so don't tell me if it stinks.) For the longest time I didn't want to cosplay any of the characters (I think I wanted them to stay enigmas or something) but I can't hold my love for this show back any more. I'd probably want to cosplay Kagari or Shion.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Love this show. If you haven't already seen it, I find it to be everything you could want in a show, so you should watch it. I want to eventually cosplay Lan Fan, Riza, Olivier, and Envy.
To take a break from all of the shows that I deeply love I've wanted to cosplay Free! for a while because it's so ridiculous. I know it's been a while since the season one first aired so hopefully this summer I will get around to actually making a cosplay from it. If I do get around to it, I'd probably want to cosplay one of the party outfits they wear in (I think it's) the ending. If I have it my way I'd want to be Nagisa as well.
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Great show. I've already cosplayed from it. But I want to actually get around to making my Shinji Ikari plugsuit.
This show makes me cry. Especially if I'm watching upside down. I want to eventually make a Haru Hara Haruko cosplay.
Revolutionary Girl Utena
It's the absolute destiny apocalypse! Ah 90s anime. I haven't actually finished this show but I already wan to cosplay Utena bad enough that she is on this list. If that changes though I will let you all know.
Kill la Kill
I was expecting nothing form this show and then it was actually seriously enjoyable. And it has crazy outfits so why would I not want to cosplay a few characters. I really want to make a Ryuko (although I'm not sure what outfit) and a Nonon.
Black Butler
I really want to actually finish my Alois Trancy and also make a character from book of circus. Which one? I'm not sure yet.
The Future Diary
Just Yuno. (You guys like how my descriptions have just gone downhill? Maybe I'll try with the last one.)
D.Gray-man is a serious favorite of mine. It pains me to think about how it will probably never be finished because it was just so good. Not seasons one and two so much as seasons three an four (because plot issues) but the manga was just so amazing up until it just stopped. I'm not completely sure why it stopped (something to do with the health of Katsura Hoshino I think) but it shall remain one of my favorites even if it remains in the same point it is in right now forever. I love the character Road Kamelot and Tyki and Kanda and Alma Karma and all of the characters really. They are all so incredible. I'd prolly want to cosplay the ones I just named at one point though. Also, I did finish my Devit cosplay so I need to make it a goal to get a photo of that for you guys cause right now I just don't have one.
Anways that's about it for the anime section. The last part of this list will be up soon but for now, MadDog out!
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Happy Late Halloween!
Hey hey! I've been so busy with costumes as it was Halloween yesterday and therefor also Senior Dress-up Day. AS you already know I was Elsa most of the day. I did however have to change for play rehearsal so I then became a genderbent John Egbert. Although I don't have a picture of that, I can tell you I looked exactly like my normal John but with Elsa makeup (so with some eyeshadow and lipstick). Maybe I'll recreate that look sometime. Anyway I have two more pictures of me as Elsa (although they don't really show off my cosplay too much). First we have Elsa and the girlfriend (i.e. Emma-chan!!!).
And then we have Elsa in Jazz Band (because I still had to do my normal school stuff and my director got a kick outta me in costume).
I also have a couple of spooky makeups I did because I love sfx makeup. The first is of me without a throat although the picture itself isn't the greatest quality and I look like I have no hair (because some of it is pulled back) I thought it was still kinda fun.
And the second is a humanstuck sober Gamzee. Because he is great.
Don't worry guys it's still me under the makeup.
Anyway I hope your day was as fantastic as mine was! MadDog out!
And then we have Elsa in Jazz Band (because I still had to do my normal school stuff and my director got a kick outta me in costume).
I also have a couple of spooky makeups I did because I love sfx makeup. The first is of me without a throat although the picture itself isn't the greatest quality and I look like I have no hair (because some of it is pulled back) I thought it was still kinda fun.
And the second is a humanstuck sober Gamzee. Because he is great.
Don't worry guys it's still me under the makeup.
Anyway I hope your day was as fantastic as mine was! MadDog out!
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