Many people have actually asked me how to store cosplays because they don't for example, have enough closet space. (And let's be honest, once you make one, the pile on your floor will just get bigger.) Well, stop your searching because I have an answer! :D Zip-lock bags. I have found that the easiest way to store cosplays is by taking a big freezer bag, folding your cosplay up so that it will fit into the bag, fitting it into the bag, and then closing it and chucking it in a bin (that you then proceed to shove under your bed or something). Also, if you take the ten extra seconds that you need to label the bag, finding it again becomes a lot easier. (Like, a lot--especially for those of you make different outfits for the same character.) Yes, this means that you will have to iron your cosplay when you take it out again to wear but that is a small price to pay as ironing your cosplay makes you look better anyway.
At the moment, I cannot help you all with storing weapons and other huge props as I really don't do that. If any of you were to walk into my room right now, you would assume that I was a weird flamboyant assassin or something. (And you'd have to be careful as well because some of my weapons are real. This is me talking to random friends
all the time: "Put those hook swords down right now before you slice your arm off. And don't you think about picking up that katana! No, not that one,
that one--the
other one!!!" Facepalm. Why do I even try?) My advice for weapons and just props in general is to find a corner for them
or if you have the luxury of not having only one room, find a place that people don't go when they come over and stockpile props there. (If you have a tiny prop and it will fit, just put it in the bag with your main outfit.)
Moving on! You can generally put wigs in bags too unless they are ridiculously styled. If you have for example, a Yu-Gi-Oh wig, you are probably just going to have to put it with your stockpile of props if you don't want it destroyed.
For makeup specific to a certain character, you can just put that in the bag too. Same with smaller pairs of shoes. If you are dealing with huge thigh-high boots or something, store them wherever you put your normal shoes. (That's what works best for me.) I hope this post was helpful and I shall leave you with a few examples of bag labels. MadDog out! :D
Name of character
Series, franchise, etc.
Riza Hawkeye
Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood)
Military uniform
Beast Boy
Teen Titans
Body suit
Green body paint
Madoka Kaname
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Magical girl outfit