Well, as you might have guessed, Anime Boston was this weekend.
Technically it is still going on as we speak but I decided not to go in
to Boston today because I feel like crap. Story time: this whole week I
have quite literally gone to school and then come home and worked on
cosplay until eleven each night (sometimes with members of
the Underwater Hemisphere--which is now going to be an active blog by the
way--and sometimes not). I have stories for each day I worked so if I'm feeling up to it, today you will get many posts with a day dedicated to each post. (Hopefully through the actual con as well.) Enjoy.
Monday, March 17, 2014
At this point in time, I was planning on wearing Seras Victoria on Friday, Levi on Saturday, and then Devit on Sunday. I had much to do so naturally, I wasted some of my time by making a cosplay I had not originally planned on making. I made some sleeves and a belt so that I had a complete Rose Lalonde cosplay. Yay! (There is actually a point to this. It was if I was too tired to paint myself grey on Sunday, I would be Rose instead. But then I got sick so neither happened.) Picture time!
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