Welcome Beings of All Sorts
Welcome beings of all sorts! Somehow, you have found this blog. :D I congratulate you on that whether it was through success or failure! My name is Madeleine Schmuch aka MadDog and I am an amateur cosplayer. I will also be your guide here. This blog came to be because I needed to organize my cosplays and constantly work on them so that I would finish them. I thought that if I had a commitment to post I would work more often and would not forget important things. This blog started off as being called "MadDog's Sewing" but has since then turned into a guide to cosplay and has taken on the new name "MadDog's Wicked Guide to Wicked Cosplay." That being said, I'm terrible with names. This blog should really be called "MadDog's Tips That She's Found to be Useful and is now Sharing on a Blog in Hopes That They Might Help Somebody Else in Their Efforts to Cosplay." That name fits this blog much better however, it was a little bit too long. Moving on, I've added new sections to make this blog more informative but they are almost all ongoing sections. (If you need information on certain things now, please shoot me an email. Email: wickedcosplay@yahoo.com) Whether you just want to follow my projects or learn how to start cosplaying, I'm hoping that this blog will be a help. MadDog out! :)
Monday, December 30, 2013
Levi Boots
Hello everyone! Just wanted to post my new Levi boots! I was given them as a gift for Christmas. I asked for these a long time ago (and have no recollection of the cost) but I do know that they are from Forever 21 (as I received them in a Forever 21 box). Anyways, check them out! I'm probably going to try and alter them to make them look a little more like the boots in Attack on Titan but that will more than likely be some time from now. Sorry it's just a quick update but I hope you enjoyed. MadDog out!
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Homestuck Troll Horns
Well. You should've known that this was coming. Anyway this is how I make Homestuck horns. It's really pretty simple. I Just use Model Magic, some tinfoil, a headband, assorted paints, and some hot glue.
Roll a piece of tinfoil up into a really thin cylinder.

STEP TWO: Cover it model magic shaping it so that it's a larger cylinder. (Having the tinfoil inside creates a much sturdier horn that can support itself and is therefore less likely to break.)

Shape it a little more to look like a specific horn. Then just let it just sit for a day drying.

When it's done drying, paint it and let it dry.
Hot glue to a headband.
Wear. Kk.
So it's really simple I just felt like sharing some of the horns I just made for myself and for my friends. (I made one pair and suddenly I just made like ten other pairs. It just happended.) Hope you liked this post. MadDog out!
Roll a piece of tinfoil up into a really thin cylinder.
STEP TWO: Cover it model magic shaping it so that it's a larger cylinder. (Having the tinfoil inside creates a much sturdier horn that can support itself and is therefore less likely to break.)
Shape it a little more to look like a specific horn. Then just let it just sit for a day drying.
When it's done drying, paint it and let it dry.
Hot glue to a headband.
Wear. Kk.
So it's really simple I just felt like sharing some of the horns I just made for myself and for my friends. (I made one pair and suddenly I just made like ten other pairs. It just happended.) Hope you liked this post. MadDog out!
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Homestuck Troll Nails
Make sure your nails are nice and clean. Then, put a full base coat of yellow nail polish on your nails.
Make sure your nails are dry and then tape the top two-thirds with tape. Then paint over the bottom part with red nail polish. Once done, remove the tape.
Again, when your nails are dry, add the top coat of clear nail polish.
When dry, throw on some horns (hhmmmm... maybe I'll make a horn tutorial post) and sit there feeling great. (Cause you know what, you are great. The end.)
Well, I hope that you at least somewhat enjoyed this post. (If you did, make sure to check out my tutorial on Medusa Nails as well.) You can always use this for your actual Homestuck cosplays. (Tip: to make this more accurate, sharpen your nails to a point.) If you like these random nail tutorials, let me know and I'll make more. I apologize for not posting these past few weeks and I also apologize because I've made no progress on my actual cosplays. When I last posted I truly thought that my Seras cosplay (and my Alois cosplay for that matter) would be finished soon however things just decided to get busy on me. Winter break is coming though so I'm hoping that you'll see a whole lot of progress then. Wish me luck. MadDog out!
Saturday, November 30, 2013
More Fullmetal Alchemist Shoes (Pride Edition)
Sunday, November 24, 2013
DIY Dork Shirts (Edition: Dragon Ball Z and Attack on Titan)
So... I like Dragon Ball Z and I keep seeing the awesome ghi top in t-shirt style everywhere but I can't actually spend $20 on a t-shirt when I could be using it on cosplay... So instead I made one. I got myself a really cheap orange t-shirt that was even cheaper because I had a coupon and it was on sale and I used fabric paint to make the symbols on the front and back. That's about it and here's how it came out. I also said I 'd take a picture of the birthday gifts I made a while back so here's the Recon Corps shirt I made for my friend too. (Same method but with a little more effort.) Hope you like! MadDog out!
Friday, November 22, 2013
Other People Everyday Cosplay #3
So, it is the homecoming time of year and that means that (at least at my school) it is spirit week! (....woooo....) But that's not the point now is it!? To sum things up, today was crazy hat day and my friend, Mae, had made this wicked amazing Midna hat that she wore. I thought you guys would totally want to see it because it is amazing! So that's all. See ya. MadDog out!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Random Cosplay Tips #4
- If you are going to be wearing shoes that give you blisters for the whole a day, do yourself a favor and put bandaids on your feet before you start your day.
- Research before you take on crazy, what would usually be considered out of your ability projects.
- It's always better to have too much fabric than too little.
- If you can get away with it, use lightweight material when making your props.
- Always aim for perfection!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
My Everyday Cosplays #5

Thursday, October 31, 2013
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween everyone! I hope yours was a day filled with candy and cosplay! MadDog out!
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Other People Everyday Cosplay #2
Yet Another Cosplay! (Funny How That Works--This Being a Blog About Cosplay and All)

Thursday, October 24, 2013
Seras Victoria Wig
I had my Seras Victoria wig come in! As you can very well see, I need to style it badly. Right now I can't really see anything when I wear it and I need to make it spike at the ends. These "edits" will come in due time but right now I really just posted it cause I was excited. So that's all. In case you are wondering where it came from, this is an Arda wig in the style of Magnum and in the color of Titanium Blonde (AR017). MadDog out!
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Other People Everyday Cosplay #1

Monday, October 14, 2013
Happy Anniversary to This Blog!
October 14, 2012 to October 14, 2013
Wow. It has been one year since my first post on this blog. Originally called MadDog's Sewing, I thought it would end with, "MadDog's Quitting." (Bad jokes--yay!) But even after a huge hiatus (like, four months or something), people are still coming to this blog everyday. If fact (caution--confidential information--you've been warned) this blog has had a total of 2061 pageviews. Now you're probably all looking at that stat like, "Well, that's lame..." but that is more than I could have ever possibly imagined! :D I mean, when I first started this blog, I was sure no one would ever visit ever--but here I am now completely eating my words! (I have actual living, breathing readers!) So I just wanted to say: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! And guys, don't be afraid to ask me to post what you want to see me make. I'd be glad to see this blog turn into something that can help (or at least entertain) you readers instead of just helping to me organize all of my projects. THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN THOUGH!!!
And just a quick update for those of you wondering about my projects. As you know already, 'tis the season of marching band competitions so I have been super busy but I'm thinking that there will be a Seraas Victoria update in the near future (and possibly some more Devit as well).
Thank you so much! MadDog out! :)
Wow. It has been one year since my first post on this blog. Originally called MadDog's Sewing, I thought it would end with, "MadDog's Quitting." (Bad jokes--yay!) But even after a huge hiatus (like, four months or something), people are still coming to this blog everyday. If fact (caution--confidential information--you've been warned) this blog has had a total of 2061 pageviews. Now you're probably all looking at that stat like, "Well, that's lame..." but that is more than I could have ever possibly imagined! :D I mean, when I first started this blog, I was sure no one would ever visit ever--but here I am now completely eating my words! (I have actual living, breathing readers!) So I just wanted to say: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! And guys, don't be afraid to ask me to post what you want to see me make. I'd be glad to see this blog turn into something that can help (or at least entertain) you readers instead of just helping to me organize all of my projects. THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN THOUGH!!!
And just a quick update for those of you wondering about my projects. As you know already, 'tis the season of marching band competitions so I have been super busy but I'm thinking that there will be a Seraas Victoria update in the near future (and possibly some more Devit as well).
Thank you so much! MadDog out! :)
Sunday, October 6, 2013
3D Maneuver Gear Part Four
Sunday, September 29, 2013
3D Maneuver Gear Part Three
Saturday, September 21, 2013
3D Maneuver Gear Part Two

Random Cosplay Tips #3
- Ask questions of other cosplayers. If you want to know how they made that awesome prop, usually cosplayers are glad to share. (Seriously though, don't be scared--all it does is show that you have interest in their costume and can be taken as a compliment.)
- Knee length hair can be really hard to deal with (no... really), so get used to it beforehand or choose a character with short hair before sporting the super-long wig to a convention. (Guys, just trust me on this one. My hair was that length for the better part of my life--only recently did I get it cut.)
- MAKEUP! Every cosplayer should wear makeup--in the very least foundation--because your cosplay will look so much better in photos.
- Don't be that person who has a completely beautiful cosplay and then wears sneakers. Pay attention to your characters footwear.
- Pose! Right now I pretty much suck at taking pictures. Don't be like me--look completely awesome with an in character pose in yours.
Friday, September 13, 2013
3D Maneuver Gear Part One
Monday, September 2, 2013
Devit (aka Debitto aka David) Cosplay Part Two: The Pants... (In Progress)

Okay! So jeezums! This post took forever to arrive as well. Yeah, sorry again. (I am apologizing way too often--this needs to stop--I must be stronger--this is my blog!) However, it took me quite I while to gather all of the grommets that I needed to make them but I now have the finished product. Have fun following!
120 black grommets (or eyelets; whatever you wanna call them)
An eyelet plier kit
(I ordered both of these from Amazon and they are from Dritz.)
I cut the leggings I had (on one one side) and hemmed them.
I cut a giant line down the middle of the long pant leg.
Fold over, pin, and sew each side of the giant cut in my pant leg so that it looked even weirder than it did already.
Spend multiple hours punching grommets into my pant leg and realizing that I'm going to need more than I bought to complete this cosplay.

Lacing up (Or should I say lacing down?) the one part of my pants that is now finished.
Where around my house like a boss and practice posing as Devit even though you know you're not close to being done with his whole outfit yet.
That's all I've done for now. The pictures should be more help than my commentary but I'm sure you generally get it. Sorry about the strange angle on my legs that makes them look all misshapen (too lazy to take another one--long day of cosplay) but I hope you all enjoyed this post anyway! MadDog out!
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Medusa Nails
Today, I'm going to be showing you some more everyday geeky-ness. I will be showing you how to re-create Medusa's (Soul Eater) nails. (I promise I will do more with this section than just nail polish but I really like painting my nails and that's about all I have time for at the moment.) To recreate this look, you will need: black, yellow, and clear nail polish, some scotch tape, and scissors.

Paint your fingers with the black nail polish and let them completely dry.
Tape your fingers so that only an arrow of black nail polish is exposed.

Paint over the arrow with yellow nail polish and peel of the tape.

Add a clear coat so that the yellow doesn't chip off and everything is nice and shiny.
If you mess up a little bit, toothpicks can works wonders with touch-ups. Also, if you have never work with tape on your fingers, you may want to just do one finger at a time. I hope that you enjoyed this post. MadDog out!
Paint your fingers with the black nail polish and let them completely dry.
Tape your fingers so that only an arrow of black nail polish is exposed.
Paint over the arrow with yellow nail polish and peel of the tape.
Add a clear coat so that the yellow doesn't chip off and everything is nice and shiny.
If you mess up a little bit, toothpicks can works wonders with touch-ups. Also, if you have never work with tape on your fingers, you may want to just do one finger at a time. I hope that you enjoyed this post. MadDog out!
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