Well, i wasn't going to post any more pictures of Anime Boston because I didn't think everyone wanted pages and pages of just the Homestuck photoshoots (and this turned out to be true) BUT I got a few emails saying people wanted to see more photos (not all) of my costumes and (some) of the photoshoots. So obviously I do not have every picture from the Homestuck photoshoot on here but I did pick out a few of my favorites. (Again, if you check out the tumblr version of this blog,
telekineticmaniac, you can see all my pictures and more.) I also tried to find a few with me in them so you could see more of my costume however I when I go to cons usually I'm focusing on getting pictures of other people so I really don't have that many (sorry). So yeah. That description was tired and wordy but if you muddled through it good job. Have some photos:
Like I mentioned in a post a while ago, I'm sorry these are really late. I've been busy and then sick and then busy. Sorry. And there will be another photoshoot post coming because, as it was mentioned in the title, this was just Friday's photoshoot. Yeep. MadDog out!